Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Starting Assignment 7

It as been the first week back from the Easter holidays, we started by having a lecture on what the new assignment consisted of. It was good to go through what we needed to do, so I can make a check list which will be useful for when I need check what I need to do for the tasks. For A7 we have to create a logo, CD cover, pre-flight document and conclude with an evaluation. I am looking forward to doing this assignment as I get to be more creative and so far I have started doing some logo designs, which I have really liked doing, the only thing is that I can’t always think of new idea when I want to, which makes me see why the logos and inspiration I have collected is so important.

We then had lectures on designing logos, from the lecture I learnt rules to making a good logo and the different type of logos. I noticed there were different types but I didn’t know there was a type called New generation. New generation logos look more appealing, but when the new generation logos are just in black and white they don’t look that good and can sometimes be hard to recognized.

At about 2 o’clock yesterday a former student, Jonny Haynes from Technophobia came in to talk to use about what his job is now. It was good to listen to him and see some of his work what he had done his self and in a team. He also give me a good idea of what the industry is like, some of things he said me thing about what I want to do after the course, I prefer not to work for someone else and just have my own business but I can now see the good things about working for someone else, and that is that I will learn new skill, for example learn things from people who have different skills to me.

The class did a case study on CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) logo, we had to create a redesign for the logo, I liked this task as we got to work in groups which helped for getting feedback and choosing the final design. The only thing we could have improved on is presenting the logo. I thought only one person in the group was going to have to explain about why we had chosen the final design, but it was meant to be the whole group and only 2 people in our group really talked.

Below I have added some of my logo designs, any feedback would be good.


Greg Carrick said...

I’m glad you’re enjoying the new assignment, I am too. I always find it useful to discuss the new assignment, as it makes the tasks a lot clearer to me.

I also found the presentation from Jonny very interesting and it gave me a great insight into what it’s like working in this industry.

I really like your logo designs; a lot of them have the potential to become really great logos, I can’t wait to see them progress some more. Keep up the good work.

Rebecca Bradley said...

I think its also a good idea to make a check list for what is needed in the new assignment. I always make different check lists as I progress on to different tasks in the assignment so I have a better understanding of what I need to get done for the hand in date.

You have some really good logo designs and I think that most of the designs you have created would work for the company Emit.

Mark Torrington said...

I feel if you combine the logo you have created at the top left of the third page, with the one in the middle of the third page, you will be on to a winner. The letter “E” portrays the moon all you need is to combine the star.

Suzanne Hullah said...

For this assignment, it is a good idea to experiment with all the different types of logos Steve mentioned in the lecture on Monday.

Instead of writing the full word 'emit' maybe you could experiment with just the initial E and combine it with a graphic or just an E on its own?

Some good work so far, will be nice to see how they develop!

Julian Dyer said...

I quite like the design in the top left of the last picture. I think the tail of the e could go around slightly more, and have it at a continuous radius all the way around.

Obviously, it would need thickening up substantially when digitized. The bigger and fatter the better.