Tuesday, 9 October 2007


This week I have tried to finish has much of the assignment work has possible, so that in our seminar group meetings today I could see what I could improve on my work. So for self study this week I wrote a list of all the tasks I needed to do and then crossed them out when I had done them, I felt more relived the more tasks that got crossed off. I tried to get all the tasks complete for this week but I in the end I didn't, I did as much work has I could but it took me hours to put my work into Page Maker, It took me 2 hours today to make 1 table and I had to do three. At first I found tables hard to make but the more time I have spent doing them on Page Maker the easier I found them to make and the better they looked.

The only other thing I think I might have problems with is doing my references, now I have collected a few more paper-based references and I have some electronic references, I can start putting the referencing into Page Maker but I am not sure how easy or hard its going to be or how long its going to take me so I am going to estimate a couple of hours so I have plenty of time.

When I got feed back on my work the thinks I need to improve on is:
Referencing - A good range of references (including paper based)
Goals- Check they are all measurable
Delivery Requirements - Choose whether to say the web site would be HTML or XHTML(including CSS)
-Find more references to back up what I have said in my delivery requirements
Competitive Analysis- Label screens shots and tables
Screen Designs- Change the colour names
-Add more measurements on to the designs

Evaluation- As well as making them improves on my work this week I also have to write my evaluation. It should make it easier to write by using my notes.

This year is a lot different to last year at college, last year deadlines were changed so deadlines came when ever tutors decided they wanted them, that could be 2-3 week after the actual deadline which was unfair really because it was a bit annoying when you got all your work done for the "deadline" and then other people that could be bothered going their course work got extra time, so I do think its good about the strick deadline so it makes it fair for everyone and we all know whats going to happen on the hand in day. I know I will have to have all the work done for the deadline and I haven't got that much improvements to do but I am kind of worrying if the work I have already done is good enough work, Ill be happier when its all complete and handed in.


Rebecca Bradley said...

Yes I agree I think its better that we all have to hand in are work at the same time so we know what needs to be done instead of worrying about when the hand in date is.

Webomatic said...

I have the same problem refrencing is going to be the hardest part, i will show you what i have done on monday, also i will show you the books i have used maybe you will be able to get some ideas for your self.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I have to agree with you about getting the work completed a week before the real deadline. Being ahead helps us to realise the little amendments we can make to improve the assignment as a whole. Practising the art of finishing assignments before the deadline will also prepare us for the design industry when working under even tighter deadlines.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I have to agree with you about getting the work completed a week before the real deadline. Being ahead helps us to realise the little amendments we can make to improve the assignment as a whole. Practising the art of finishing assignments before the deadline will also prepare us for the design industry when working under even tighter deadlines.

Andrew said...

You have a good checklist, i think everything on there is an important part of pulling this whole task together.

Definately the referencing is the harder part, and probably the one thats going to take up the most time.

I think your time scale for completion is quite good.