Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Portfolio goals

1. Validate to XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS 2.1 standards
Validating to W3 standards will make the website work well in different browsers and different browser versions, also to improve search engine visibility and gives a sense of professionalism.

To measure this goal I will validate the web site using w3c XHTML and CSS valuators.

2. Validate to WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) Guidelines 1.0
Making the website more accessible will allow the web site to be viewed by a larger audience.

To measure this goal I will use the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

3. Easily updatable
With the website been a portfolio it needs to be easy to update so new work can be added regularly. Also my portfolio might need to be edited for job interview to suit the job I am going for.

To measure this goal I will set task to complete that will involve edit parts of the portfolio to test how easy it is.

4. A high search engine rank
The most viewed websites on a search engine is the first three pages, so I want to aim to get my portfolio on one of though pages. The lower the pages number the better.

To measure this goal I will search for my web site in search engines to see were my web site comes up and using Search Engine Results Pages to measure the position.

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