The last semester, as been harder than the 1st semester has at the beginning I had 3 assignments to do. After I had handed my referral work in, I didn’t really worry about my grade I was too busy trying to get all my other assignments work done. But when I did get my results I was really happy has I wasn’t expecting to get my grade that day. I have enjoyed doing the 3 assignments so far, I have had good and bad moments while doing the assignment. It’s good when I concentrate for hours and get lots of work done, but the bad things are like when I lost my work and when I had problems with Photoshop, but I have learnt how to solve the problems I have had so if they do happen again I know what to do.
For assignment 4 I had to restore an image, this was the hardest task so far as I didn’t know how to use the software that I had to use to restore the image. When we were starting the Photoshop task I was about to hand in my a2 referral work so I was quiet stressed out and not knowing Photoshop but having to use it to restore the image I started stressing out more, which didn’t help. When I finished restoring the image I was quiet pleased with it, it wasn’t as good as other people in the class but I was happy with what I had done. I know I could improve with restoring images and when I have more experience with Photoshop I could have and other go and see how the second image, would look compared to the first image I restored.
There is a number of things that I have improved on because of this course, first my time management, I wasn’t bad a managing my time before but I am better at it now and It has been useful to use, when I have been doing my assignment work, to sort out when to do different tasks and get all my work done on time.
When I started the course my confidence was really low and over the past couple of months it has improved because of college and work. At both college and work I have done things I don’t like doing. When I had to do the presentation at college I was really nervous and I don’t think I could have done it in front of the class but I would be really pleased with myself if I had, and hopeful I will be able to do a presentation in front of the class and be happy with the presentation I give. When I found out I have to do a long presentation at the end of year 2, I didn’t mind as it’s a long time till I do it. I like preparing for a presentation I just don’t like showing it, so if I do, do the presentation in the second year I will be so happy, because I will prove to myself that I can do them and If I have to do it for a job one day hopefully I will be better with the experience of doing other presentations.
I like how I have to use the sketchbook to record every things, I find it useful for when forget some information or I want to find a useful web site I have been on before, as I can just go back and look in my sketchbook. I have enjoyed collecting inspiration for the sketchbook as it as help be with designs I have had to do, for example my screen designs. One thing I think I could improve on with my sketchbook, is taking more notes in seminar meetings, so next semester I’m going to aim to take more notes seminar meetings.
Having a blog was new to me when I first started the course, I enjoyed writing the blog entries as I get to reflect on what I have done in that week. When I found out that I had to leave comments on other people’s blogs I was a bit nervous about doing it, I thought what If I say the wrong thing or what If what I write doesn’t make sense people are going to think I am stupid, but the more comments I do the more I am less bothered about doing them.
I feel like I have learnt a lot so far this year and I have enjoyed learning all the new things I have been taught and improving on some things I knew. I am going to carry on working my hardest and aim to get getter grades next semester. I always just expected passes but when I get higher I am really pleased, so this year I am going to aim to get a merit for at least one of my assignments.
When I finish the course at the moment I would like to do a third year, I always think that it’s better to have more education, but I am not at the end of the course yet so don’t know exactly what to do till I am nearer there. If I decide that I don’t want to do a third year I would get employment. Since the start of the course I have said I would like to be a web designer and the course as made be surer about that. I have enjoyed all the designing of web sites and I am looking forward to getting to build web sites.