Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Delivery Requirements

To make my portfolio website I will be using a range of programs and technologies to make the site. I will be using the basics like a computer and an internet connection to create the website and make it live. The other important things I will need to create the site are the technologies and programs. I will be using programs from the Adobe Creative suit, such as Dreamweaver to build the site and Photoshop and maybe Flash to create elements for the site.

The technologies I will be using is XHTML (version 1.0) this will be the code that is been used to arrange the content of the portfolio before sorting out the presentation. I will be using CSS (version 2.1) to do the presentation of the website. It makes it easier to keep the web pages looking more consistent thought out the website and easier to make any changes. CMS (content management system) will be used within the website, with it been a portfolio it will be updated regularly therefore it would be easier to have a CMS. IMAP will be used as I would like some way that people could contact me via e-mail.

Also I have my webhosting already set up which means I can upload my site as soon as it is completed and I have my e-mail address sent up so e-mails can be sent to viki@victorialouisefisher.co.uk and my URL is www.victorialouisefisher.co.uk.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Target audience

Primary audience

Educator and potential employer/client

The main purpose of the portfolio now is to pass my assignment and to do this I must meet the targets my tutor has set for that assignment. Also the point of the course is to get us ready for employment so you could say that the other type of person it is aimed at is potential employers/clients.

Example-John-Paul is a 29 year old senior designer and is looking for a new junior designer. He works for a small design company in Huddersfield; they have been advertising and have recieved quite a lot of CV's and John-Paul has the job of going though the CVs and online portfolios to choose people to interview.

Age: 30+
Gender: Male
Occupation: Teacher
Online Experience: Very experienced with the internet
Online Frequency and activities: 8+ hours a day, websites for work for research, informational websites and design websites
Online Location: Work and home
Connectivity: High speed broadband connection

Age: 26+
Gender: Mainly male but female as well
Occupation: Senior Designer / Manager
Online Experience: Very experienced with the internet
Online Frequency and activities: 8+ hours a day, websites for work for research, informational websites, design websites and portfolios
Online Location: Work and home
Connectivity: High speed broadband connection at work and broadband at home

Secondary audience


Other students will be looking at my portfolio to get an idea of my ways of working and what I am like. Also to get inspiration and to look at the kind of thing they could do.

Example- Edward is a 20 year old student who is studying web design, he regularly looks at students and professional portfolios to get ideas on how to make his portfolio look. He also wants an idea of what kind of work he might be doing.

Age: 18+
Gender: Mainly male but female as well
Occupation: Student
Online Experience and activities: Very experienced with the internet
Online Frequency: 8+ hours a day, informational websites for research for assignment work and design websites
Online Location: Work and home
Connectivity: High speed broadband connection at work and broadband at home

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Portfolio goals

1. Validate to XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS 2.1 standards
Validating to W3 standards will make the website work well in different browsers and different browser versions, also to improve search engine visibility and gives a sense of professionalism.

To measure this goal I will validate the web site using w3c XHTML and CSS valuators.

2. Validate to WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) Guidelines 1.0
Making the website more accessible will allow the web site to be viewed by a larger audience.

To measure this goal I will use the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

3. Easily updatable
With the website been a portfolio it needs to be easy to update so new work can be added regularly. Also my portfolio might need to be edited for job interview to suit the job I am going for.

To measure this goal I will set task to complete that will involve edit parts of the portfolio to test how easy it is.

4. A high search engine rank
The most viewed websites on a search engine is the first three pages, so I want to aim to get my portfolio on one of though pages. The lower the pages number the better.

To measure this goal I will search for my web site in search engines to see were my web site comes up and using Search Engine Results Pages to measure the position.